- Fun Christmas activity to do with family, play Christmas music 🎶
- We reserved a spot for my mother in law for her to hang some ornaments
- Ornaments have sentimental value
- Fun to get ornaments that represent a celebration
- Ornaments to commemorate a birth, an engagement, a wedding
- Baby's first ornament
- Hand made ornaments, made by children
- Idea for getting ornaments: Christmas party and everyone brings an ornament
- We all have our favorite ornaments and we get to hang those (I love the nutcracker and the ballet-themed ones)
- Husband likes to put Santas in one spot and make a Santa Sanctuary
- Everyone has their own way of decorating a tree, some people just use lights, some have a color theme, some will only use one type of ornament like glass balls, some people will use beads, ribbons, and even strands of popcorn and cranberries

If you decorate a tree, do you have a certain way that you do it every year? Or is it a note ad hoc style? Do you have a favorite ornament?

Thank you for reading!!